Testimonials About Our Newfs

(from people who purchased our puppies)

Bruce is the first Newfie I ever met.  He was 7 months old and I was spending part of a day with Sonya.  While we were working in the kitchen, she invited Bruce in to visit.  She had him lay down on a rug while we worked.  And he did!  He was smart, obedient and sweet… even as a puppy.  As an owner of Jack Russell Terriers I was amazed and intrigued.  Bruce was so calm, and gentle.  I though it would be great to have a dog with such a nature.

Every time they had puppies I would ask, “Do you have one like Bruce?  I want a boy like Bruce!”  Finally the timing worked out when St. John was born in March of 2010. “Senjy” loves everybody but kids seem to make him especially happy.  He has been certified as a Therapy Dog and visits an elementary school and a rest home twice a month. Of course, there have been adjustments to having a giant dog… like giant kisses and BIG hugs!


St. John

We just wanted to let you know that we absolutely LOVE our puppy Humphrey. He is amazing. We’ve never had a puppy like him before.  I think the Newfie breed has won us over.  Thank you



Abby is a bright spot in our world:) she is spunky, athletic, loving, mischievous, VERY curious, she thinks she is LITTLE! Abby is a blessing. Yes, we have to go through “puppy” kindergarten AGAIN, but we know we will get the K-9 good citizen award this time-LOL!

I must tell you Abby is VERY smart and that is not the reason we have been to puppy class several times-Abby is the class clown and thinks puppy class is a social event designed just for her!!

Oh! Abby LOVES to swim (in anything). We take her to the lake and we swim with her. The first time we went I was standing on the bank with her, Tim kind of got a running start and jumped in the water and went under the water-Abby freaked out and was in the water so fast looking for Tim. When he came up out of the water and put his arms around her neck to hug her, she swam so fast back to shore with Tim in toe! She loves to swim with us and still does not like us to go under water 🙂 but we sure have a great time. Thanks again Sonya!

Trudy & Tim


I have one of Thelma and Bruce’s puppies from 2010. Her name is Billie, and she is the world to us. She will be 10 in November and is doing well.



We got Norman from you almost 9 1/2 years ago. I believe he was part of Thelma and Bruce’s 2nd liter. He has been such a light in our lives and home. To know Norman was to love him. We loved him fiercely. Everyone that met him loved him. He has grown up with our kiddos and truly was one of our kids. We had to say goodbye to him this past Tuesday as he went to heaven. He weighed 175 lbs. The vets constantly told us he was the biggest Newf they had ever seen. He had the sweetest temperament and loved our kids and protected them always. I only heard Norm growl once in his life… our neighbors hyper dogs had busted through the fence and knocked over our daughter who was 3 at the time. Norman growled at them and all the hair stood up on his back.

We ran in the house and called Norman to follow us which he did. I know he had no intent on fighting them… but the gesture was sweet and one I will always remember.



Our puppy is a huge hit with everyone, the boys were thrilled and love him!!!  They named him Vince/Vinnie after Vince Lombardi…  Since it is superbowl time and we  love the Packers. Thank yooou!!



We wanted you to know how much we love ‘Rubee’ and what a great dog she is. She weighs about 80 lbs. She is very sweet and obedient. She has a beautiful face-a good combination of her mom and dad… And she is very willing to please…

The Digards


Axel is growing like a weed and is sort of a moma’s boy.  He loves graham crackers and could retrieve for hours. I appreciate you allowing me to adopt him.  We will never go without a Newfoundland.



My Maggie Mae…oh where do I begin! She was destined for our home 9.5 years ago when I lost my first Newf. I found Sonya after my loss and reached out to see if any of the litter was left.     and behold the same day my girl passed away little Maggie Mae had become available unexpectedly. Couple short weeks later she relocated from Nampa into the center of my heart! She was by my side for years through medical issues, a divorce, and so many ups and downs and could read me like a book! She was always leaning her head into my lap to comfort me, and give me the loving eye locking gazes that reach deep into your heart! She was my gentle giant at 135lbs and was the sweetest God given gift I’ve ever had! Her final time came recently and I had to make the heart and physically gut wrenching decision to let her be free of pain. Makes me cry writing this…she will never be replaced and has left a huge paw print on my heart.


Maggie Mae

Walter is doing great! He is SUCH a chunk, weighing in at 40 pounds. He is the sweetest, most calm puppy. And I swear he potty trained himself. When he wants to go outside he just walks to the door and sits down.

He LOVES being outside. I can barely get him inside at night. He would sleep out there every night if I let him. Oh, and he loves the shower! I have no idea why, but when we turn the shower on he runs and runs INSIDE the shower if we don’t shut the door fast enough. We have had a wet, soggy puppy a couple of times!



Tavis is getting so big, he gained 20lbs in one month. He is still very skinny from growing so fast but is up to 70lbs already! He is a very well built young dog with gorgeous hair.

We have had him to the lake a few times now and he loves the water! We also have a pool for him here at home and he is in it non-stop. You were right, it is funny having a puppy that weighs 70lbs. Sometimes he does things and you wonder why a dog would do that? Then you realize he is only 5 months old.

I… just wanted to let you know he is doing great and is a beautiful well built puppy. It is so funny how much of Bruce I can see in him. He is getting the droopy eyes just like his dad and loves to block you and lean on you just like his dad.



We just wanted to let you know that we absolutely LOVE our puppy Humphrey. He is amazing. We’ve never had a puppy like him before.  I think the Newfie breed has won us over.  Thank you



Here are the pictures of ‘Noah’ at Lake Tahoe. We love him to pieces! He loves the water and loves to go boating with the family… He sleeps in our bedroom. He is a fun, fun puppy. Thank you.

Kirk & fam


Tucker is growing like a weed, he will be 9 months old in March and weighs over 100lbs. He is going to be tall and very robust. He is GORGEOUS in every sense of the word. He has the classic Newfy face that I love, just as handsome as Bruce. We love him and are so thankful that you allowed us to have him. Thank you.

The Wards


Reese loves Hobbs very much, he does many morning wake up calls, and took down our Christmas tree this year. He is a very good boy. Thank you so much for a great dog!




I could not imagine our life without this big dog. He’s brought so much joy into our lives I had no idea what we were missing out on! Sam wants to be with us all the time, whether it’s waiting right outside the shower, laying next to me as I put my makeup on in the morning, being right next to us while we eat dinner or cook or clean, and even going to school with Chris, Sammy is eager to go where we go.

It’s so funny watching him progress and learn new commands or when he really wants a treat so he does ALL his tricks in the order we taught them.



Last night was the second night of Doggie’s Class and Abby was hilarious! She is very smart and mastered the sit and the down command in short order. When she would do the down command she would flip on her back, legs in the air to get a belly rub!!  She had everyone laughing. Abby thinks puppy school is solely for her enjoyment and is a social event. In class she was “talking” and trying to visit with EVERYONE so, I took her over to get a drink of water out of the bucket -well that’s when it all took a turn for the worse-Abby loves water and she put both her big front paws in the bucket and stomped up and down until the ENTIRE bucket of water was on her and the floor, which was now wet and slippery, 3 other puppies were coming over to see what was going on. 1 Newfie puppy + 1 bucket of water and let the games begin!  Tim and I still have hopes for a K9 good citizen award. Abby brings so much joy and laughter (and calamity) wherever she goes! We love her so very much.
Trudy & Tim


Just wanted to say thanks for providing us with such a great puppy. Last week we started puppy kindergarden classes. ‘Biscuit’ was by far the cutest puppy in the class. He is catching on quickly… Thanks again.


We just wanted to let you know how Samson was doing on his first birthday. Samson is the center of our universe, he’s a very energetic and happy dog. He love’s to go on walks in our neighborhood and say hi to all the kids. He also loves to go to the dog park and run and play with all of the other dogs. He loves fetch and tug-o-war (especially tug-o-war). He’s a very smart dog too, there’s been a couple times he’s gotten into a bit of mischief and was smart enough not to get caught. But overall he’s a very good dog and we couldn’t imagine our lives without him.
Jeremy & Kimberly


I wanted to thank you again for a wonderful dog. We will be back for more Newfies in a few years. ‘Ebon’ has been adopted by my husband’s battalion as their mascot. We are considering using him for therapy or hospital visits, as he is so good with people. We could not have gotten a better temperament. We got him his own bike trailer. He sits right up, and I could swear he is smiling. I can’t believe that little guy we got out of the pool in your back yard is now a 140-pound, one year old! He is the best dog, and he’ll have traveled the world a bit by the time he lands stateside again. We may be going to Kuwait for a couple of years, and of course he will be going with us.


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