The years have flown by and now all the children have gone… our youngest, Jackson is a college freshman this fall 2017. A tremendous amount of work is required for raising a litter of Newfoundland puppies. I realized that I can’t do multiple litters at a time and my daughters Cheyenne and Shawnee both have an interest in continuing on with Nampa Newfies as I slowly hand the reins over to them.

Cheyenne and her husband Logan Whetten live in Eagle Mountain, Utah. They have Maddie and are going to raise litters from her at that location. We will call that Nampa Newfies, Utah location. Eventually, my daughter Shawnee and her husband David Haderlie will raise puppies from their home in Ephrata, Washington. They have Tigerlily, sister to Maddie and Nellie.

Ray, Nellie, and Bailey will stay here with me in Nampa, Idaho and I will continue to raise puppies for a time.

This website will always show the best way to contact us. Either via our phone or email.




Hi, my name is Cheyenne Whetten, I am Sonya Washburn’s daughter. I grew up with Nampa Newfies. That’s me at the top of the home page with the puppy about to lick my nose! My husband Logan and I live in Eagle Mountain Utah with our daughter Elena and our dog Maddie. We are excited to continue on the family tradition of raising Newfoundlands.

Maddie is our first newfie as a new young family. She is three years old, all black with a thin white line on her chest and a cute black spot on her tongue. Maddie is a quick learner and is very good around our crawling baby. Maddie is athletic and has a great temperament, she is extremely sweet: she sits still for me when it’s grooming time even though it’s not her favorite! ? She loves going for long walks. We are often stopped by neighborhood children that ask to pet and love on her.

We are excited to announce that Maddie is expecting her first litter of puppies the first week in October 2017! The father is Black Raven (Ray), a loving gentle giant.


Here are some pictures of us and Maddie:

Make sure to follow us on Instagram for more great pictures! And check out our updated “Our Dogs” page, which has been updated with profiles of Ray and Maddie. More coming soon.

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