Millie had her puppies on September 17th. She had 7 boys and 4 girls. Solo is the father. They are all thriving and doing very well. One of the boys is a landseer and one girl is landseer. They are big nice chubby puppies. We are currently taking deposits on this...
Bailey and Ray had a litter of 5 black puppies, 3 females and 2 males in January 2019. They are now 6 weeks old and growing into gorgeous puppies, perfect Newfie heads and nice body frames. We are now taking deposits for this litter. The...
We’re happy to announce that Nellie’s and Maddie’s litters both arrived! All the puppies are healthy and happy. Both first time mothers are doing great and showing excellent maternal instincts. Nellie’s litter was born on the 15th of Sept....
Nellie is expecting and her litter is due the middle of September. Two weeks later Maddie is expecting a litter, right around the first of October. We are pretty excited! We are currently taking deposits on both litters! Contact us if you’d like to put down a...
The years have flown by and now all the children have gone… our youngest, Jackson is a college freshman this fall 2017. A tremendous amount of work is required for raising a litter of Newfoundland puppies. I realized that I can’t do multiple litters at a...
UPDATE: he’s sold. But feel free to contact me about getting in line for when we decide it’s time for another litter. Original follows. This is a picture of Bailey and two of her bear newf-cubs almost 10 weeks old and almost 30 lbs. The male in the...