Jul 11, 2011 | Litters, Pictures, Puppies
All of Nana’s puppies are sold, but we wanted to let you see what they look...
Jul 11, 2011 | Litters, Pictures, Puppies
All of Thelma’s litter is sold, but we wanted to let you see what they look...
Jun 14, 2011 | Litters, Pictures, Puppies
Nana had a litter only 2 days after Thelma! So her’s were born on the 25th of May. They’re all healthy and doing great. Here’s...
Jun 14, 2011 | Litters, Pictures, Puppies
Thelma’s litter was born May 23rd. They are 3 weeks today. All are thriving and doing great. Call to reserve your...
Jun 14, 2011 | Litters, Pictures, Puppies
Since we’re also posting pictures of Thelma’s newest litter today, we thought we’d share some pictures of a few of the pups from her last litter, just before they went to live with their new...
Apr 25, 2011 | Litters, Puppies
We had an ultra sound on Thelma Lou this week. She is expecting puppies the first week of June. Which would make them ready for their new homes the first week of August. We are currently taking deposits....